Are you worried about age related to the intimate? This effective food makes endurance


RAKYATKU.COM – Having bad with a partner is a tiring job. How not, the average man burns 100 calories during the activity. So, how to return it?

Quoted from the men's health page, calorie burning depends on a variety of factors, including the weight and strength of our body in bed. In 2013, scientists from the University of Montreal attempted to answer this question by asking 21 heterobadual couples to wear SenseWear fitness tracking devices, provided they "do the following." ;love".

They were also asked to run on a treadmill for 30 minutes to compare their exercise with the actual exercise.

The results, as published in the journal PLOS ONE, show that men burn an average of 100 calories during bad, while women burn about 69 calories. Researchers estimate that men burn about 4.2 calories per minute during bad, while women burn 3.1 calories.

In total, the number of calories burned during intercourse is far less than the number of calories that a man burns during exercise, accounting for about 276 calories. However, this activity can still be practiced as a gym exercise balancer.

The average length of couples in this study was about 25 minutes; we can therefore badume that the longer the badual session, the more it is possible to burn calories.

But, before becoming too excited about the calorie burning potential, another study published in 2013 concluded on the contrary, where bad did not have much effect, contrary to exercise.

Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, this study aims to rule out some of the myths related to weight loss, such as bad can burn between 100 and 300 calories.

The scientists in this study used a 1984 study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, which found that the average duration of bad was only six minutes.

However, badual activity is always tiring. However, of course, you do not want to feel weak after bad, right? Therefore, you must replace the energy used to have bad with food.

Some foods can quickly replace your energy. According to Fitness Republic, here are the best foods to replace your energy after bad:

1. chocolate milk

Even if you have lactose intolerance, you could still enjoy this drink. Chocolate milk is not only delicious, but also a good source of protein and carbohydrates. Chocolate milk can also provide hydration to the body after badual intercourse.

A study also showed that the ratio of carbohydrates to protein in chocolate milk was perfect for muscle recovery after exercise. Chocolate milk contains glycogen, sodium and liquids beneficial to the body.

2. Greek yoghurt

For those who love Greek yogurt, this food is very easy and delicious to eat after bad. Contains a lot of good fats and proteins, Greek yogurt is very good for muscle recovery. Add fruit to add vitamins and nutrients.

3. apple and cheese

This food can provide energy from carbohydrates and proteins. Apples contain sugar and carbohydrates that satisfy hunger. While cheese can speed up muscle recovery with a high protein content.

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