Attention, the habit of sweating dandruff can cause acne


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.

-> – Acne is a boring skin problem. Ladies, acne arises because of a lot of things. One of them is because you lack hygiene. Did you know that the habit of wiping sweat can also be a trigger of acne on the face?

When one sweats of course, one feels uncomfortable. Well, the majority of people will automatically wipe off the sweat that appears on their face using a clean towel or rag. This turned out to be very dangerous for the face. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, wiping sweat on the face can irritate the skin and cause the appearance of acne.

Ladies, when sweat appears or runs on your face, just dab with a towel to avoid scratching the skin. of irritation. A friction due to a towel or cloth has been necessary to make the skin so fragile.

There are also people who wipe sweat with the back of the hand. It is also very poorly done because it will only mix dirt and bacteria with sweat. This will clog the pores.

Well, when you sweat, it would be better to take a towel and caress your face. After the move, do not forget to use an oil-free facial cleanser to make sure all the dirt is gone.
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