Scoliosis or curvature of the spine needs more attention, especially for women.
According to Labana Simanihuruk, physiologist and anatomist, when he is found in Cikini, Tuesday (17/07/2018); If we consider bad, scoliosis is more common in women.
It is not yet known why women are more prone to scoliosis, but it is badumed that women have fewer muscles than men.
One of the physical symptoms of scoliosis experienced by women is the presence of unilateral hypertrophy of the bad.
Also read: Shoulder of the shoulder high? Attention, you have been exposed to scoliosis
"If scoliosis in women, especially on the thoracic, the average bad will be large next to the rotation.Scoliosis can harm women , especially those who are at the time of pregnancy.
"If women who have scoliosis suffer from back pain, back pain becomes very serious.When she is pregnant and that it can to be difficult to have a child because of scoliosis, there is the effect of neural tissue on reproduction, "says Labana
The good news, according to Labana, is that the female spine is easier to return, that is, following the appropriate procedures, scoliosis in women will be more curable than in men.
However, therapy in scoliotic women can not be performed during pregnancy, so that conditions must be examined z the young ones! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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