Avoid the risk of burned skin in the summer with 4 effective means


JavaPos.com – Doing outdoor activities or vacationing at the beach is very much fun in the middle of the sunny summer weather. But exposure to the burning sun also has an adverse risk to even skin health to trigger cancer.

Hello Magazine Monday (9/7), a study conducted by the British Association of Dermatologists revealed that more than one in three or about 35 percent of Britons had a sunburn during of the past year. While 46 percent admitted that skin becomes blistered during a trip abroad.

To reduce the risk of burning and burning of the skin during the summer, a pharmacist, Anshu Bhimba, provides the following effective tips.

1. Use the Lotion to taste

It is important to use lotions or adequate sunscreen during the summer. But be sure to apply sunscreen in the same area no more than twice. Apply an amount equivalent to the size of a golf ball (or six teaspoons) to cover your entire body.

2. Note the good content SPF

With so many beauty products, it's sometimes hard to choose a product that's right for your skin. Different skin types have different needs.

Very pale skin, freckles, blue eyes, and blond or red hair require 50 FPS + . While shiny skin with blue, green or brown eyes requires SPF 50 or SPF 30 Fair for quite dark skin. While SPF 30 is suitable for dominant Mediterranean skin with brown or dark brown hair and brown eyes. Finally, for blacks with dark hair and dark brown eyes, ideally use SPF 15.

3. Protection of the skin of children

Children's skin is smoother and more sensitive to damage caused by UV rays. To protect the skin of the child, it is advisable to use an SPF of 50 or more, and never an SPF of 30. If your baby comes in and out of the pool, be sure to present a new asks after using a dry towel.

4. Choose a Shaded Place

Although it's under an umbrella, it's better for your skin than directly in the sun, it will not completely protect from UV rays. To avoid UV-B rays, need to find a shaded area. If you have a history of sun damage or skin cancer, always use the sun protection factor with the highest SPF and look for shade if possible.

Apply half an hour before leaving the house. Apply sunscreen at least every two hours. Moisturized skin is more sensitive to sun damage, so minimize the use of water. The waterproof sunscreen does not resist rubbing, so reapply after drying the skin with a towel or sweat.

(fid / JPC)

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