Baby diapers hidden dangers are left too old – VIVA


VIVA – A clean body in a baby, necessary to ward off various diseases. In addition, the danger of letting your baby wear his diapers too long, triggering a urinary tract infection with kidney failure.

Whole layers or layers become a focus of bacteria. This causes the rise of bacteria in the urinary tract up to the bladder

"A urinary tract infection (UTI) is not detected in children If bacteria entered the kidneys, fever is starting to develop, if not kidney, "said Brawijaya Women's and Children Hospital pediatrician, Dr. Natia Anjarsari, SpA, at a Sleek media meeting in Jakarta on Monday, July 23, 2018. [19659004] Danger when the kidney is full of bacteria, can trigger kidney failure.Natia says, because recurrent urinary tract infections can cause kidney failure to occur at the age of the next child.

  Diaper Baby [19659006] "Often, the incidence of good nutrition, MPASI good but lack cleanliness. Changing the important layers does not last long. This is not a complete problem, but exposed to peeing make urinary tract infections or rush to diapers due to contact with dirt, and skin for too long, "he explains [19659007]. occurs easily when the washing of the hands is not done by the mother while she is carrying her baby. </p>
<p> "Therefore, cleanliness is the most important thing that can be done. One of them, wash hands that can break the chain of infection in children, "he said. </p>
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