Be careful, over a long period, you can experience a 40% reduction in brain quality


Report of Bangka Pos reporter, Putrie Agusti Saleha

BANGKAPOS.COM – If you feel that even if your singles are fine, maybe this thought can be you

remove it.

Because there are facts explaining that these conditions will affect the quality of your brain.

It was not so long ago, a study explained that it was too long to be single, even if it was surrounded by people close to you,

increased the risk of dementia by 40% (syndrome of decreased ability of brain function).

This study was conducted for about 10 years and one of the main reasons for this result was the loneliness that influenced

inflammation in the brain and this also allows a person to lead an unhealthy life.

As reported by the Daily Mail website, the cause of dementia is still unknown.

But the evidence now shows that a healthy diet and exercise can reduce the risk of problems.

disturb the memory of the brain.

Therefore, you must understand that socialization is also important to keep the mind active so as to

improve cognitive health, said the Florida State University team.

Researchers, who badyzed 12,030 people over the age of 50, now point out that loneliness is a risk factor

which can increase dementia.

In addition, the results of the study also show that loneliness increases a person's risk of dementia by 40%

looking at their gender, race, ethnicity or level of education.

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