Benefits of staying healthy away from caffeinated beverages (1)


Coffee consumption can interfere with the sleep cycle and cause sleepiness during the day

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – sipping a cup of coffee in the morning is a mandatory habit that some people take action. Some studies reveal that caffeine in coffee does not put health at risk as long as it is taken in controlled amounts.

However, do you know that staying away from caffeine helps the body get healthy again? Report of Health Line, following a series of advantages.

Reduce anxiety

Do you often suffer from anxiety or nervousness? The cause could be that you drink too much caffeine. Caffeine can inject the energy needed by the body to move.

However, this energy also stimulates the hormone "fight or flight". This is the source of anxiety, nervousness, increased heart rate and panic. In addition, high consumption of caffeine increases depression in adolescents.

Improve the quality of sleep

The habit of drinking caffeine can affect the quality of your sleep. Studies show that daily coffee consumption can disrupt the sleep cycle, reduce satiety and cause drowsiness during the day. This condition will be experienced if you drink caffeine less than six hours before bedtime. People who do not consume caffeine are said to be easier to sleep than caffeine addicts.

Effective absorption of nutrients

If you do not drink caffeine, your body will absorb nutrients better than those who often drink caffeine. The tannin content of caffeine can inhibit the absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin B.

Healthier teeth

The consumption of coffee and tea causes brown teeth. Discoloration of the teeth due to the presence of tannins in the drink. The acid content of coffee and soda can also erode the enamel layer of the tooth.

Balance hormones

Women who do not drink caffeinated beverages have more balanced hormones. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and soft drinks can apparently alter estrogen levels.

Studies conducted in 2012 showed that a consumption of 200 milligrams of caffeine, which equates to two cups of coffee or more, can increase estrogen consumption in Asian women and black women. Similar effects also occur in white women but in lesser amounts.

Hormonal fluctuations in estrogen can lead to risk of endometriosis, bad cancer and ovarian cancer. The intake of caffeine in the body is also called acceleration of menopausal symptoms.

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