Beware of gadgets at risk of permanent impact on the body

[ad_1] – It sounds simple, maybe you do not even think gadgets are bad for the body. While many studies have proven the impact of gadgets, one of the most recent findings is a clinical study related to neuropathy (peripheral nerve damage).

Based on the non-interventional Neonobion study published by Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2018 411 participants with neuropathy in eight Indonesian cities aged 18 to 65 years revealed that people with neuropathy had peripheral nerve damage caused by gadgets

"The activity and lifestyle of Indonesians at risk of neuropathy is a texting on the gadget," explained in Jakarta the neurology specialist Doctor in Neurology, Manfaluthy Hakim in the l '; Neurobion issue entitled Knowing the symptoms and the impact of fatal neuropathy, Tuesday, 21/07/1965

Texting in the gadget, Manfaluthy continued in the category of causes of nerve damage. called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The repeated movements during the texting on the gadget triggered the onset of suppression of the median nerve at the wrist.

In the study, people with the highest prevalence of neuropathy due to texting in the gadget were 61.5% in Jakarta. , 5 percent), sitting in the same position for a long time (53.7 percent), and flipping through the computer (52.8 percent).


The initial symptoms of overly long text gadgets are a tingling by hand, followed by numbness. If the situation worsens, you may feel the pain or burning sensation. One in four people have symptoms of this neuropathy from the age of 26-30 years.

Well, if you have experienced any of these symptoms, do not be ignored! "The impact of neuropathy is a decrease in motive power, if you attack the hand, you can not tell Manfaluthy.

Recent Innovations
Unfortunately, a young age with symptoms of neuropathy – tingling, numbness – tends to ignore NENOIN clinical trial patients have received neuropathies, ie a neurobion consumed once a day, Dr. Yoska explained the results of a drastic decrease in neuropathy symptoms after Neurobion was administered to respondents three months


"Results of respondents with mild to moderate neuropathy symptoms of different etiologies who consumed Neurobion Forte were clinically reduced by neuropathy symptoms by 62.9 percent," explains Yoska.

The new Neurobion packaging with a new logo as a symbol of neurological health. The large N logo that connects each sphere is described as a healthy nerve, in the hope that people may be more concerned about the health of the peripheral nerve.


"The new logo is also an innovation and part of our commitment to providing comprehensive neural health solutions," added the director of PT's Consumer Health Division. MERCK, Tbk, Holger Guenzel. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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