Beware of leptospirosis in the rainy season


Report of Tribun Jogja reporter Christi Mahatma Wardhani

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, YOGYAKARTA – When the rainy season arrives, the Yogyakarta City Health Unit asks people to become aware of leptospirosis caused by the bacteria Leptospira, which is transmitted to animals such as mice.

Yogyakarta City Health Unit Chief Endang Sri Rahayu, head of the infectious diseases and immunization section of the Yogyakarta City Health Unit, said leptospirosis cases should be monitored during the rainy season.

If it is not prudent, leptospirosis is fatal because it can cause death.

"If there is a short dry season, but it often starts during the rainy season, and if you are not careful, it can be fatal.This disease starts with no serious symptoms. people do not think it's leptospirosis, "he told (27/10/2018).

He explained that leptospirosis has symptoms almost similar to colds, which make people think of an ordinary illness.

Read: A family suspected of leptospirosis

"Initial symptoms such as colds, heat, vertigo, joint pains, especially calf muscles, if such symptoms occur, go directly to a health facility, especially after work, at home or at home. in an environment related to waste, "he explained.

"You have to be vigilant, inform the doctor immediately if after the service.It is important because to know the leptospirosis, the laboratory must check," he continued.

In connection with the transmission, Endang has been revealed through the eyes, skin, especially injured skin, and others.

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This is why he has launched an appeal to the community to maintain the cleanliness of the environment and personal hygiene.

"To avoid this, do not leave a puddle of water, as it can also spill into water contaminated with leptospires.Then clean the garbage in the environment, beware of residues from This is certain to prevent the rat populations because the rainy season increases.If after the activity you have to wash your hands, take a bath of soap, "he said.

In addition to leptospirosis, the Yogyakarta City Health Unit is also aware of DH and diarrhea.

Although numbers tend to go down, you need to anticipate each disease early.

"Leptospirosis is certainly a small number, even tens, but a failure that needs to be monitored.For dengue and diarrhea, it is still far.Yesterday, the DHH decreased to 78 cases. Because of the rainy season, there will certainly be plenty of food larvae, "he concluded.

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