Bids continue to socialize IMR in the community


PESAWARAN ( – Department of Health (Dinkes) Pesawaran Regency is actively conducting a vaccination campaign against measles and rubella (IMR) among the community in the Bumi Andan Jejama nickname district.

Chief of the Prevention and Observation of Diseases (P2P), Pesawaran Health Bureau, Abdul Razak said his agents are currently intensifying the socialization of IMR in the community of all under District of Pesawaran District.

"Currently, officers are actively conducting IMR campaigns to the public so that they can later come to IMR in August-September 2018," Razak said Thursday (12/7/2018).

He explained that the IMR campaign is a mbad immunization activity aimed at disconnecting the transmission of measles and rubella virus in children aged 9 months to 15 years, regardless of previous vaccination status.

"The danger of measles can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia, encephalitis, blindness, malnutrition and even the temporary death of a mild rubella disease in children , but infected by pregnant women in the first trimester or early pregnancy, can lead to miscarriage or disability in the unborn baby, such as heart defects, deafness in the eyes and developmental delay, "he said. explained

It does not offer any treatment for measles and rubella, but this disease can be prevented by vaccination with the MR vaccine and is the best prevention against measles and rubella.MR vaccination is administered to all children from 9 months to less than 15 years old during the Aug-Septem Immunization Camp in 2018.

"In August 2018, immunization is granted to schoolchildren from early childhood, from kindergarten, elementary school, high school and high school <15 years (including MI / equivalent, junior / MTS / equivalent). In September 2018, immunization by MR is given to 9-month-old infants to preschool children in Posyandu, Puskesmas and other health care institutions. IMR is free, "he said.







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