Bio Farma ready to provide 57 million MR vaccines


Bio Farma also conducts a halal certification process


BANDUNG – This year, the government will again launch the MR Stage 2 vaccine program to be held in Sulawesi province of South, and will be followed by other provinces outside of Java. PT Bio Farma, supports this program

According to marketing director Bio Farma

Sri Harsi Teteki, he is ready to provide the MR vaccine as much as 57,843,570 doses. This number is sufficient depending on the Kemenkes vaccination target. In addition to being ready to provide the vaccine, Bio Farma is also very concerned about halal problems. According to the regulations, the registration of halal certification must be done by the vaccine manufacturer, in this case the factory in India

"In November 2017, the team of Bio Farma visited the MR vaccine producer in India., Sri said in his press release Wednesday (1/8).

Sri said his side continues to consult and coordinate and badist the MR vaccine producers and to communicate with the MUI fatwa commission for this certification process because, currently, there are only 2 MR vaccine manufacturers. "All MR vaccines used for the MR stage 1 campaign and stage 2 are from Bio Farma partners in India, "he said.

The production of this MR vaccine, he said, has been used in 140 countries. who have already started this vaccine, and have gone through security studies in various countries of the world.

According to the secretary neral, Bambang Heriyanto, currently Bio Farma is independent for the measles (measles) vaccine. Currently, is in the development phase for the combined measles and rubella (MR) vaccine using rubella bulk

"We are working with our partners, and targeted by 2020, while for the bulk do you expect to to be ready by 2024, "he said.

Bambang said it took a long time to produce the vaccine, so care must be taken to process vaccine production to be free from the animal aspect

"In addition, of course, pay attention to aspects of the quality, safety and efficacy of the product," said Bambang.

The Ministry of The health of the Republic of Indonesia is committed to eliminating measles and fighting rubella and conbad rubella syndrome (CRS) by 2020. The goal will be achieved by vaccination against red rubella 9 months, child under 15

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