BPOM Drag Valsartan, Drug Hypertension to Trigger Cancer – VIVA


VIVA – The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has asked two pharmaceutical companies to stop the production and distribution of hypertensive drugs containing valsartan

Web MD active valsartan in the antihypertensives or lowering blood pressure is considered dangerous even if it can cause cancer. The drug was withdrawn globally after American and European regulators warned of dangers of the uterus.

Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Company, the producer of N-nitrosodimethylamine has been notified since July 5 of the US Food and Drug Administration.

A series of studies has been conducted and proved that valsartan substances are very harmful to the body. BPOM RI has asked the relevant pharmaceutical industry to stop the production and distribution of drugs containing valsartan raw materials produced by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals, Linhai.To protect public health,, China, "BPOM has declared in a statement on its official website, cited VIVA Thursday, July 26, 2018.

Although withdrawn, BPOM stated that all vesatran hypertension products are removed. "Only products Valsartan who do not use the raw materials of the aforementioned producers can still be consumed by the community. "

Valsartan is a drug or hard drug that must be consumed on a prescription. patients with high blood pressure, whether alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs.

"Valsartan is indicative of reducing the risk of stroke and heart complications, and it is also used in people with heart failure or having recently suffered a heart attack, "writes BPOM

. in angiotensin receptor antagonists (ARBs). This medication will work by calming the blood vessels so that the blood circulates more easily.

Anti-hypertensive valsartan medications manufactured in China contain Nitrosodymethylamine (NDMA) which is toxic especially for the human liver, known as a human carcinogenic compound.

In high doses tested in laboratory mice, NDMA is a potential hepatotoxin and may cause fibrosis in the liver. Not only that, exposure to low doses can cause tumors in the liver.

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