Breakfast preferably before or after the sport?

[ad_1], Jakarta Some people think that they can burn more calories or fats during exercise after breakfast. However, other people may feel uncomfortable if you have to exercise before eating.

According to research from the American College of Sports Medicine, people who exercise on an empty stomach perform poorly. You can not exercise strokes normally.

If you have not had lunch, less energy, even dizziness if blood sugar drops. You may also tend to overeat after exercise, cited Livestrong .

Can breakfast be before or after exercise? Saptawati Bardosono, nutritionist and secretary of the Indonesian Nutritional Association (INA), replied: "In fact, there is no clear research on this, I think it meets our needs, if we do not have breakfast after the sport. "said Tati, greeting familiar at the symposium" The Role of Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity "at the Aryaduta Hotel, Jakarta, Sunday (7/29/2018).

Listen to this exciting video:

In a download on the video player's website, the Brick Wall account shows a breakfast robot made from Lego (The Brick Wall)

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