Causes Leukemia, Symptoms and How to Cure the Most Powerful

[ad_1] – Leukemia disease is one of the nightmares of some people. How not, leukemia belongs to diseases that can compromise the immune system quickly.

Mid-year 2017, the husband of Ferry Wijaya of the artist Ririn Ekawati died because of leukemia. The blood cancer experienced by Ferry Wijaya has been known for four years. Recently, the son of the Denada singer, was diagnosed by a doctor with leukemia. The beautiful princess named Shakira is still 5 years old and is now in a hospital in Singapore for 1.5 months.

The cause of leukemia has been widely discussed in various sources. From books, newspapers, even on the Internet was not less or less. But there are still people who do not know the cause of leukemia, which is in fact quite close to our daily lives. This can not be underestimated since the effects of leukemia are quite terrible.

Before discussing the causes of leukemia, it would be good to know what leukemia is.

Leukemia is a cancer that attacks blood cells and bone marrow back, or also known as cancer of the blood. Leukemia affects the production and function of leukocytes or white blood cells in the fight against infection because the blood DNA is damaged. This abnormal condition causes the spinal cord to produce excessive white blood cells. This causes an accumulation in the bone marrow and reduces the number of healthy blood cells

Well, we will discuss here the causes of leukemia rarely known to most people.

Causes of leukemia

The cause of leukemia in general is not known. There are several factors that cause leukemia, ranging from chromosomal abnormalities, exposure to pollution, exposure to radiation, smoking, obesity, and so on.

In other words, leukemia can come from external and internal factors of the body. Factors that cause external leukemia include exposure to radiation, pollution, some harmful chemicals

Radiation exposure

A study found that small amounts of radiation can further increase the risk of leukemia of a person. That is why pregnant women are strongly discouraged against X-rays or X-rays.

Radon Chemistry

You should also be wary of Radon. Chemical elements with radioactive properties of this colorless and odorless gas, naturally present in the environment and in the house. When inhaled, alpha particles emitted by radon can cause cancer of leukemia. A source of radon production comes from the natural decomposition of uranium. This process can come from volcanic rocks and soil. However, in some cases, well water also contains radon. So, always make sure that the ventilation of your home is adequate and that the air can circulate properly, because the heavier radon from the air will usually settle near the ground.


In addition to gasoline, organic chemical compounds known as benzene or benzol are also widely used in the production of drugs, plastics, gasoline, artificial rubber , ink and hair dye. . In fact, this benzene has turned out to be carcinogenic or can cause cancer! You may also be exposed to high levels of benzene while smoking or using shisha with additional tobacco. More often and more you are exposed to benzene, your risk of cancerous leukemia will also be higher.

Cigarettes and Coffee

Cigarettes cause deadly diseases again and again. A study conducted in 2009 showed that the risk of leukemia was not only for adults who smoked, but also for children whose parents were smokers, including when parents had smoked before pregnancy. This is because the carcinogens in the cigarette are absorbed by the lungs and pbad through the blood vessels. If data from the French ESCALE study of 2013 show that drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day during pregnancy may slightly increase the risk of leukemia in infants.


Has not started a healthy diet? Come immediately around because obese or overweight people have a higher risk of leukemia cancer than people of normal weight.

Although there is no practice that can really prevent leukemia, doctors and researchers recommend that you stop smoking, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid radiation, avoid exposure to chemicals (including glue, cleaning agents, detergents and paint) In general, the symptoms of leukemia in the early stages are not so visible . However, you can be wary of any of the following leukemia symptoms:

  • Anemia and badociated symptoms, such as tiredness, pale in the lips, pale in the conjunctiva of the patient. eye can be a sign of leukemia symptoms. bleeding, including bleeding gums and nose, or blood in the stool or urine can be one of the symptoms of leukemia.
  • In addition, symptoms of leukemia can also accompany headaches. (19659025) Swollen lymph nodes, usually in the throat, armpits or groin.
  • Loss of appetite and body weight are also one of the symptoms of leukemia.
  • Discomfort under the ribs at the bottom left (caused by swelling of the spleen).
  • A high number of white blood cells can cause vision problems retinal hemorrhage, buzzing ears (tinnitus), changes in mental state, prolonged erections (priapism), stroke, or bleeding convulsions in the brain. If some of these leukemia symptoms appear, then everyone should be alert.

How to treat leukemia

Basically, how to treat leukemia can be explained with care. The reason, the goal of this treatment against leukemia is to destroy the cancer cells and allow the formation of normal blood cells in the bone marrow. The leukemia treatment decision is based on the type of leukemia, the stage of the disease, the age and the general state of health.

This type of leukemia itself is seen by microscopic examination of the bone marrow, whether it is lymphoblastic or myeloblastic leukemia. This examination can also determine whether leucimiens are in the acute or chronic category.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

How to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has 3 stages including induction, consolidation and maintenance.

Acute myeloblastic leukemia

Treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is based on the genetic makeup of normal myeloid cells. The treatment plan usually involves two stages, including the induction of remission and post-remission remission.

There is a subtype of acute leukemia called acute promyelocytic leukemia, patients receiving other drugs such as arsenic trioxide and ATR drugs. Stem cell transplantation and chemotherapy are also used when leukemia does not respond to treatment or if AML recurs

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

The treatment options for chronic lymphocytic leukemia are as follows: [19659021] Radiotherapy. It can be used to treat swollen lymph nodes due to too many abnormal lymphocytes

  • This is a combination of leukemia drugs, including monoclonal antibodies
  • When CLL does not respond not treatment or if recurrence for some time, how to treat leukemia like this is with more chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant.
  • Patients with CLL are unable to properly fight the infection. Patients and doctors should be vigilant and look for signs of infection, such as pneumonia (lung infection) or fungal infections. Early treatment will help patients survive longer. The leukemia drug is adjusted for the severity of the leukemia that is suffered by the patient.

    Chronic myeloblastic leukemia

    Chronic myeloblastic leukemia (CML) must be treated promptly. For people newly diagnosed in the early stages of CML (chronic phase), tyrosine kinase inhibitors may work for years. If the patient does not relapse, the patient does not need to do a bone marrow transplant. In case of recurrence, patients must undergo a bone marrow transplant.

    As for people diagnosed later (phase of acceleration or blast crisis), treatment may involve chemotherapy or tyrosine kinase inhibitors before a bone marrow transplant increases the likelihood of a transplant successful bone marrow. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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