Check 3 effects of complications that occur during a heart attack


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – George Taka, actor of the 90s, died Thursday, November 1, 2018. Mentioned later, the cause of death was a heart attack.

Read also: George Taka is dead, why can you have a heart attack?

A heart attack occurs when one or more of your coronary arteries are blocked. Over time, the coronary arteries can be reduced due to the accumulation of various substances, including cholesterol (atherosclerosis). This disease, known as coronary artery disease, causes most heart attacks.

In case of heart attack, seek help immediately. Some people wait too long because they do not recognize the important signs and symptoms.

The symptoms of a heart attack sometimes do not appear in everyone. But in some people, the warning can be recognized. For example, chest pain, upper body pain, sweating, nausea, tiredness, difficulty breathing.

If this happens, call for emergency medical badistance immediately. If you do not have access to emergency medical services, ask someone to take you to the nearest hospital. Drive alone that there is no other choice. Because your condition can get worse, put yourself and others in danger.
Illustration of a heart attack (
As mentioned on the Mayoclinic page, aspirin, if recommended, can be consumed. Aspirin during a heart attack can reduce heart damage by preventing clotting of your blood. Just take into account that aspirin can interact with other medications, so take aspirin as long as a doctor or health care professional is recommended.

Medical badistance is very important as soon as a sign of heart attack begins. Because if left alone can feel the effects of complications that occur.

Complications are often badociated with heart damage during an attack. These complications can cause at least 3 effects.

1. An abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
Electricity "shorted" can develop, resulting in an abnormal heart rhythm, some of which can be serious or even fatal.

2. heart failure
An attack can damage so much heart tissue that the remaining heart muscle can not extract enough blood from your heart. Heart failure can be temporary or chronic, due to extensive and permanent heart damage.

Read also: Here's how to help people who have a heart attack

3. Sudden heart attack
Without warning, your heart stops because of electrical disturbances that cause arrhythmias. Heart attacks increase the risk of sudden heart attack, which can be fatal without immediate treatment.


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