Children from 5 months to 15 years old in Banjarmasin Immediately Immunized, Date Signed!


BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID, BANJARMASIN – The Banjarmaskin Municipal Government is committed to fighting the disease caused by the transmission of the measles and rubella virus through mbad immunization in 2018.

Civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations should participate and contribute to immunization activities.

"The objectives of mbad immunization are all children from 9 months to less than 15 years old," said Mayor Ibnu Sina on the sidelines. Advocacy meeting on the socialization campaign for routine immunization and rubella in Kayuh Baimbai Hall, Banjarmasin City Hall, Thursday (28/6/2018).

According to Ibnu Sina, the city of Banjarmasin has registered 176,209 people who will be targeted in immunization activities. . For the first phase in 2017, the activity is conducted in six provinces of the island of Java in August and September 2017.

As for the activities outside of Java, they will take place in August and in September 2018.

The city of Banjarmasin will be established in all schools including PAUD, Kindergarten, Primary / Primary School, SDLB, SMP / MT / equivalent and SMPLB, and for the month of September will be carried out an MR immunization to the Post service Immunization, "said the Mayor.

Ibn added that MR vaccination activities will not work properly if they are not supported by the intersectoral sector by socializing activities. Kadisdik and Kemenag will continue to support this activity for The success of the MR immunization program

"The trick is to provide the main target data, make a circular, and socialize to all the parents for the vaccination to succeed" [19659002] Ibnu uses professional organizations such as IDAI, IDI, IBI, PPNI, PERSI and other organizations to support and socialize these activities and coordinate with the Department of Health.

"MR vaccination activities were carried out in 150 countries from 1970 (19659002) Ibnu added that the role of TP PKK at all levels and in the private sector is expected in the extension efforts so that the public can receive information about the timing and timing of implementation.mediate immunization MR. ( nugroho)

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