Circulating problems of paracetamol containing the Machupo virus, BBPOM ensure that it is hoax


TRIBUN-BALI.COM – Dewi Prawitasari, director of the Food and Drug Administration (POM) of Jakarta, said that the issue of Parasetamol P-500 containing the Machupo virus is that of Hoax

. (19659002) "This is not true that it is an old problem, Hoax has reappeared by irresponsible people," said Dewi Prawitasari at Warta Kota, Saturday 7/7/2018. According to him, BBPOM has never received credible reports supporting the claims of Paracetamol P-500 containing the Machupo virus

The Machupo virus itself is a virus that spreads in the air or the contact direct.

The Machupo virus can come from the urine urine of saliva or infected rodent feces and become carriers of the virus.

Previously, the number of Parasetamol P-500 contained a deadly Machupo virus that came out again peak through the WhatsApp short message application. (*)

This article was broadcast on under the title Waduh, Paracetamol Contains Machupo virus, BPOM called HOAX!

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