Cleanliness Part of the Faith, Property of Humpro Municipal Government So Pilot Housing –

[ad_1] – The house belongs to the husband and wife couple Slamet Iswantoro and Eli Nurhayati who is located in Mutiara Bogor Raya Block Housing G1 Number 1 RT 01 / RW 17, urban village of Katulampa, Bogor Timur, Bogor City, became the pilot house for Care Sharing Program Adviser for the eradication of mosquito nest (PSN) in the city of Bogor

The house belongs to one of the employees of the Secretariat of the Public Relations Section of the Protocol (Seta) Bogor is clean and beautifully planted with trees, ornamental plants and flowers. (19659002) Deputy Mayor of Bogor Usmar Hariman who was accompanied by Sekcam East Bogor Sahib Khan and the team of the Department of Health (Dinkes) Bogor City, Wednesday (25/7/18) afternoon, l & # 39 occasion to directly review the house Slamet Iswantoro and Eli Nurhayati immediately checked the mosquito larvae at the place.

With the entourage, Usmar examined the entire room inside the house, including the bathroom and the vegetable garden. He was also impressed because the house he visited was very clean.

"Mr. Slamet's home is an example." According to Usmar, the PSN's sensitization sharing program aims to reduce the potential for increased dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in the city of Bogor, in Particularly in areas where cases are high.

While the owners, Slamet says, he is at all times doing a cleansing action. Because, he says, the cleanliness of the house is the responsibility of all residents of the house

"My house is simple enough that the important thing is always clean. Because cleanliness is part of faith. So, if you want to be healthy, our house should be clean, "he said.

PSN counseling was conducted by PT. Indomarco Prismatama Bogor Branch in cooperation with Baygon and Dinkes Kota Bogor.

(Princess Aysha)

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