Click Balikpapan – Rubella vaccination program in India rejected, in Java, many victims of Telan


  Immunization program against rubella in India rejected, in Java, many victims of Telan

Immunization program by RM in India Refused. (Female)

KLIKBALIKPAPAN.CO – The government held again the MR vaccine program or measles and rubella. This period for the outer islands, from August-September 2018.

Since its inception in Java last year, the program has been challenged by various parties

MUI, ICMI, Halal activists , Ulama, to the wider community. In Click's notes, a few years ago, PT Biofarma explored cooperation in vaccine production with India as a plan for the purchase of the measles vaccine by the Ministry of Health. The director of health surveillance and quarantine of the Ministry of Health, Elizabeth Jane Soepardi, said that her agency had received grants from an Indian vaccination agency, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance.

However, at a dihelat related seminar last year, it was revealed that this vaccination program has not been successful in doing in India. Although this vaccine originated in India

Indian society rejects this program, especially the upper middle clbad. They are afraid of harmful side effects to death.

The impressions of the seminar became viral last year. When the outbreak of MR vaccine outside Java will happen next month, it becomes viral again. One of the speakers came from the Ministry of Health.

In Click View Views, Saturday, 14/7/2018, it appears that the speaker admitted the failure of the MR vaccine program in India. The slideshow also cites the reason for not being rejected. Although India does not give priority to halal products as in Indonesia

In the MR vaccine program in Java last year, also resulted in the immunization of l vaccin vaccin,,,,,,,,,,,. pbadive immunization or KIPI

Victims after the vaccine range from mild such as dizziness, rash, vomiting. There is also hospitalized, paralyzed until death. Unfortunately, related parties are still far away.

The victims come from several areas of Java, Jakarta, Blitar, Lumajang and others. The data was compiled by humanitarian activists from various sources, who urged the government's responsibility to the victim after the vaccine.

Only in Blitar, 315 measles and rubella vaccines or MRs were reported to the Blitar District Health Unit. After post-MR immunization, 279 children have mild symptoms, then 36 children must receive intensive care at puskesmas or at the hospital. When asked about the victim of a vaccine injury, humanitarian activist Ike asked the government to report to the victims.

"Some of the victims I went to were confused with the vaccination program they had to vaccinate, but his son became a victim, no one is responsible," he regrets.

He advises parents to be careful to vaccinate their children. Ensure vaccine safety and halal status. "Do not sacrifice our children for the benefit of a handful of parties," he recalls.

Previously, Wasekjen MUI, KH Tengku Zulkarnain also confirmed that the vaccine is not yet halal. (19659004) "The Ministry of Health is lying on the halal of the vaccine, and I'm already furious," he said, Saturday 14/7/2018.

KH Tengku, continued: "While the vaccine is the same MUI has not even been examined, and even the Ministry of Health has never wanted to give samples to examine, in which case it is necessary to declare the lies of the Ministry of Health so that the children of Muslims are not vaccinated illegally, Allahu Akbar.)
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