Clinic Using modern and traditional methods to Cancer


BANDUNG – According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is at the origin of third-rate mortality in Indonesia, such as heart and infectious diseases , maternal, perinatal and nutritional.

RI, 30% of cancer deaths caused by six risk factors for behavior and diet. Among other things, the body mbad index or obesity, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol, as the l 39; ;heredity.

Currently, many researchers and medical experts the deadly disease. Various methods are used to fight cancerous tissue. One of them is the Canon Clinic Epiciane Indonesia (CMI) located at Jalan Tubagus Ismail VII number 21, Bandung City.

The clinic focuses on the research and treatment of cancer and diabetes. Clinique Main CMI claims to provide cancer treatment for people who are reluctant to perform surgery or chemotherapy.

Salamun Sastra, Professor of CMI Prof. Salamun Sastra, MPH, MBA, MBA, PhD, said the ICD Bandung Clinic modern and traditional medicine. In this way, cancer patients do not depend on foreign drugs. In addition to treatment with alternative alternative methods that integrate with modern medical methods, CMI has developed a biomedical service based on the Ibn Sina treatment method known as oriental medicine.

"In fact, this cancer is macem-macem.The important thing is that we overcame (cure) .As we have both conventional or modern medicine and traditional medicine," Salamun said at the time. Inauguration of halal halal bil halal in CMI's main clinic, Jalan Tubagus Ismail VII No. 21, Bandung, Saturday (30/6/2018).

Salamun suggests, alternative or alternative methods of compliment that fit into modern medicine, no doubt. The reason for the regulation of medicines as well as traditional medicines has been regulated by Permenkes 1109/2007 which is reinforced by the governmental regulation 103/2014 which regulates and protects the methods of complementary and alternative medicine

"The rules of medicine The main clinic of CMI is central: medicine, education, service and research.I am proud of this clinic which brings together laboratories and experts specialized in the treatment of cancer and cancer. other diseases. "

Dr. Susetyo, a leading cancer specialist at the CMI Main Clinic, said that CMI would be one that refers to government regulations that allow for the integration of alternative or alternative alternative medicine into modern methods of medical treatment. CMI Bandung in the future will increase in a special cancer hospital that has modern medical experts or western and eastern traditional medicine.

"The combination of these two methods has become a cancer treatment force in mainland China.Treatment there.Supply of services in the country expected by many parties.So, the main ICM Clinic that combines modern medicine and traditional medicine is the only one in Indonesia, "said the expert physician who famously called this Tyo.

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