Coffee is good for overcoming rosacea


Women who drink coffee are less likely to suffer from rosacea.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – For years, doctors have been explaining the potential risks and benefits of coffee. Fortunately for latte fans around the world, the news from the last few years has been good overall, even this week's other new studies are no exception. In addition to other health benefits, scientists say that coffee can be good for skin health.

New study published in JAMA Dermatology found that women who drank at least four servings of caffeinated coffee tended to be less likely to suffer from rosacea, an inflammatory skin condition that causes redness, redness, lumps and irritation. , usually on the face. While those who drank it less once a month were much more likely.

The researchers are interested in coffee and rosacea because they think the relationship between the two can work well. "Coffee is known to reduce vasodilation and has an immunosuppressive effect, which can potentially reduce the risk of rosacea, but coffee heat can be a trigger for rosacea outbreaks," he said. The health.

Besides the heat, cold air, sun exposure, spicy food, exercise, hormones and emotional reactions such as discomfort are other triggers of rosacea . To determine where coffee fits, researchers looked at data from more than 82,000 women who were followed in a national study from 1989 to 2005.

During this period, women were interviewed every four years on a variety of health-related topics, including the consumption of coffee, tea, soda and chocolate. Women were also asked about their health, as well as the conditions diagnosed during the study period.

Overall, researchers have identified nearly 5,000 cases of rosacea. After adjusting to other risk factors, they found that the more women they ate caffeine, the less likely they were to suffer from rosacea. Especially for coffee, women who drink the most (4 cups a day or more) are 23% less likely to be diagnosed than those who drink the least (1 cup or less per month).

There is no significant evidence that women who drink decaffeinated coffee, on the other hand, tend to develop rosacea. This shows that the caffeine content has something to do with this healthy skin, say the authors. However, it is interesting to note that other forms of caffeine – such as tea, soda and chocolate – are not significantly badociated with a reduced risk of rosacea. In fact, chocolate consumption is badociated with increased risk.

Although they are not sure, researchers speculate that there is not enough caffeine in other food sources to produce the same benefits as coffee. . They think that high levels of caffeine in coffee can cause a constriction of the blood vessels in the face, thus reducing the symptoms of rosacea.

Caffeine, and especially coffee, also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, they write in their journal. Caffeine can also modulate hormone levels, which can in turn play a role in the development of rosacea.

Because research is observational, it can only show relationships, not cause-and-effect relationships. And as information is recalled every four years, it is possible for women to report a portion of their food or drink intake by mistake. Further research is needed to better understand the relationship between coffee, caffeine and rosacea, particularly among the different rosacea subtypes.

In the editorial attached, doctors from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California at San Francisco have shown that there are many other reasons to take a coffee. Studies show that coffee seems to protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, chronic liver disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and depression, they wrote.

Coffee even seems to guard against premature death and increased coffee consumption (more than three to four cups a day) is a risk factor for health problems.

New research shows that patients with rosacea do not need to avoid coffee and give us one more reason to continue drinking coffee regularly. If you have rosacea, be sure to use products that are safe for your skin.

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