Commission V DPRP: A reasonable public criticism KPA


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Papua New No. 1 News Portal | Jubi

– Vice Chairman of Commission V of the House of Representatives of Papua on Health Education, Maria Duwitau said that it is right that the public criticizes the cadres of the Papua AIDS Commission ( KPA) who brought his wife 2018 to the Netherlands.

Maria Duwitau stated that even though KPA Papuan administrators took their wives with private funds, they still received public criticism when they went to the Netherlands for an institutional service. "said Dana Duwitau in Jubi, Thursday (26/7/2018).

According to him, not only the Papua APC, those in the other institutions will also receive public criticism while by bringing their families into the work business

"Everything in an institution if the road with the family, even if the personal money t Etap will be negative," he said.

In terms of performance said Maria, until now, he felt that the KPA was not maximized.The Commission V of the Papuan parliament itself continued, never knowing if the APC had announced every year the development of the number of people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) in Papua and the extent to which they are treated.Although KPA gets a grant from the provincial government.

He said that if the performance of KPA Papua is not maximized, it is better that the local government allocates funds to the ins and that it be given to private or religious foundations that have been seen in the treatment of PLHIV. He pointed out, there are several church-owned foundations in Papua was engaged in the field of HIV and AIDS, including Dian Harapan Hospital under the founding of the Catholic Church, he There is also a foundation belonging to the GKI.

It is said that Dian Harapan Hospital has a place of care for people living with HIV and knows how many people are infected with HIV and how many sufferers. He also belongs to the Evangelical Christian Church (GKI) of Kolewale, knowing exactly how many victims they are dealing with.

"Instead of funds given to the APC, but the road with the sprinkler without clear status.What is the fund is given if the APC does not perform its performance. " The DPR Papuan Commission of the Democratic Party will propose to the Interim Governor and the Governor Papua is selected to fund the APC to review.

"It is better to be given and the foundation or the working group is visible," he said.

The Acting Governor of Papua, Soedarmo said, has received contributions from some people related to the criticism of the PCA officials

"Later will be evaluated for the next.KPA Papua receives every year a subsidy from the provincial government of Papua Regarding the activities of KPA in the Netherlands, he admitted not knowing where the budget used by the KPA Papua in the activity uses provincial grant funds or not.

"Previously, KPA Papua's secretary, Constant Karma who attended the conference when contacted Jubi said that the KPA board members who attended the conference were funded by the provincial KPA KPA (KPA Papua) does not provide full support, "said Karma by phone from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (*)

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