Congo declares that the Ebola epidemic has passed



Congo will announce a recent Ebola outbreak in the country last Wednesday (25/7), while praising health officials and the country's rapid response To the disease.

24/7) is the 42nd day with no new cases found, or two incubation periods, each of 21 days.

Spokesperson of the World Health Organization also praised what he called the "new test vaccine", which he says protects 3000 people from the disease. But the Ebola outbreak killed 33 people.

The first case of Ebola in the last outbreak was detected last April in a village in northwestern Congo. The epidemic then spread to the town of Mbandaka with a population of more than 1 million.

Congolese health officials and the WHO reacted immediately before the disease reached the capital of Kinshasa and caused a humanitarian catastrophe. what happened five years ago in West Africa. The Ebola outbreak in 2014 killed more than 11,000 people

Ebola is transmitted through contact with the victim's body fluid. [ka]

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