Consuming Vitamin C Smoker, Its Extraordinary Benefits – VIVA


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VIVA – Meet the needs of micronutrients such as vitamin C, make the body's endurance for the better. In fact, smokers can also "get rid of toxins" with the right amount of vitamin C intake.

The recommended number or nutritional value of vitamin C is 70 to 90 milligrams. However, the study found that modern lifestyles pose a higher risk to health, so vitamin C levels.

"Safe lifestyles, poor exposures to pollution and smoking requires a higher vitamin C intake than recommended. not smoking, the total vitamin C required reaches 100 milligrams, while smokers need 35 milligrams more than normal levels, "says clinical nutrition specialist, dr. Marya Haryono SpGK at the launch of Oronamin C Drink, in the Wahid Hasyim area, Jakarta, Thursday, July 5, 2018.

Exposure to high free radicals from cigarette smoke, makes the body respond with high inflammatory conditions. Dietary sources of vitamin C are able to eliminate this inflammation because it is anti-inflammatory.

"The source of vitamin C should come from natural foods, citrus fruits and vegetables, broccoli and tomatoes, but sometimes lacks vitamin C"

Therefore, the need for extra vitamin C that does not come However, he should always pay attention to the vitamin C.

"The board of 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day.If not enough can be added from the supplement, but, should be wise in choosing an unnatural source of vitamin C. labels that exist and that adhere to vitamin C in accordance with the sufficiency rate mentioned above, "he said.

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