Continue to eat rice, but may lose weight


A cup of rice contains about 240 calories.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – If you want to reduce calories from carbohydrates, it seems like you need to hear this advice. Indeed, scientists have found a way to reduce carbohydrate calories without having to leave the rice. The number of calories can be reduced by consuming half the portion of rice.

Reported through, Experts examined about 38 types of Sri Lankan rice. According to research, adding coconut oil to boiling water can help reduce calories. The coconut oil is cooked for 40 minutes, then cooled for 12 hours before mixing with rice.

In a cup of rice contains 240 calories. Most starchy carbohydrates are broken down into glucose or sugar by the small intestine and then absorbed into the bloodstream. The disruption process is then converted into energy or stored as fat in the body. That's why some people avoid carbohydrates.

Adding coconut oil to the water can alter the structure of the rice starch granules and make it resistant to digestive enzymes. Sudhair A James, research director at the Faculty of Chemistry, Colombo, Sri Lanka, said the research was aimed at reducing global rates of obesity.

Basically, the body needs enough glycogen. "If it's not filled, it's likely that hypoglycemia could kill someone," James said. But an excess of glucose in the body can not be converted into glycogen but modifies the fat. This can trigger obesity.

In research, use only coconut oil. It is therefore impossible to know for sure if you replace it with solar oil or olives. To be able to eat rice without increasing its weight, it must be cooled for 12 hours. Or cook the rice one night before consumption.

So, can the rice be heated? According to the British National Health Service (NHS), uncooked rice may contain bacterial spores that can cause food poisoning. These spores can survive when the rice is cooked. If the rice is left at room temperature, it can become a bacterium.

Bacteria that reproduce can cause food poisoning resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Rice left at room temperature for a long time may make it unfit for consumption. However, can the rice be heated after being at room temperature?

The NHS recommends eating rice after cooking. If you want to eat immediately, you can cool it faster. If you store it in the refrigerator, it should not last more than one day. The cold rice can not be heated more than once.

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