Criminalization of LGBT Halangi Treatment of HIV / AIDS


Criminalization of HIV / AIDS Treatment by LGBT Halangi

Expelled by the family and faced with the stigma of society against people living with HIV / AIDS, a teenager who died in Yogyakarta committed suicide stopping taking drugs. , said a doctor who knew his case at the press agency AP

The 20-year-old case is the latest example of the plight of LGBT people in the country.

As the criminalization of badual minorities in Indonesia hampers efforts to eradicate HIV. / AIDS. The conclusion was announced by Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Monday (2/7).

In his report, HRW called homophobic rhetoric and "illegal" police raids against bad, gay, bibadual and transgender communities "" The failure of the Indonesian government to attack the Moral panic against LGBT has negative consequences on public health, "said Kyle Knight, a researcher at HRW.

Although Indonesia is generally relatively successful at preventing epidemics, UNAIDS data show that homobadual men are responsible for a third of HIV infections, while most are infected with heterobadual couples.Teen teenager who died suicide in Yogya whose one among After being declared dead, the family refused to take his body, said Sandeep Nanwani, a doctor who volunteered for the AIDS program.

A year earlier, Sandeep had collected funds for his move.

"His family no longer wants to deal with him," Sandeep said. "During the shelter, he no longer feels the future and rarely starts taking medication."

Many volunteer doctors who believe that police raids "have a negative and substantial impact on their access to gay or bad communities." bibadual ". . The closing of saunas and discotheques where LGBT community gatherings hinder the HIV / AIDS prevention program

"In the remaining places, it is increasingly difficult to work," said a volunteer interviewed by HRW. tested or put on a condom. "

HRW and AIDS activists complain that the police are now using condoms as evidence after the raids, so" they fear wearing condoms could threaten their safety, "said researcher Laura Nevendorff. Center for HIV / AIDS Studies of Atma Jaya University

rzn / hp (ap, dpa)

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