Danger, should avoid consuming these 5 fruits with drugs


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID- Fruits are highly recommended for consumption because they contain many important nutrients for the body.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, the fruit is also high in fiber, allowing moms to feed longer throughout the day.

Various benefits can be obtained, start digestion to prevent cancer.

Not surprisingly, when sick doctors usually order to eat a lot of fruit.

The Nakita.grid.id report from the Flickr page, it turns out that there are fruits that should be avoided, especially when we take drugs because the effect is dangerous.


When they are sick, parents who usually visit will bring this red fruit.

In fact, apples can be eaten when we are sick.

However, you should eat apples four hours after taking your medication.

Especially for moms who suffer from fever, allergies and asthma and who take medication because apples can prevent the body from absorbing the medicinal properties.


The orange is one of the fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C.

Just like apples, oranges are often brought by a person during a visit to the hospital.

However, please note that eating oranges instantly after taking medication can be dangerous.

The orange mixed with drugs can disrupt muscle work, but moms will feel very sleepy and may even cause hallucinations.

In addition, grapefruit is also best avoided because it contains compounds that can block the intestinal disorders of a number of drugs such as cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), antidepressants, migraine medications, anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory drugs. diabetes medications.


Just like oranges, pineapple is also one of the many fruits containing vitamin C.

However, this fruit is usually avoided by mothers who are pregnant because of its high vitamin C content can trigger miscarriage.

In addition, according to Rana Conway in her book, What to Eat When You're Pregnant, in this acid-tasting fruit contains bromelain enzymes that break down proteins that will encourage bleeding during pregnancy.

Not only that, eating pineapple with the drug should also be avoided because it can increase blood pressure.

Pineapple can also inhibit the absorption of drugs in our body, especially if moms take antibiotics.


Grapes contain vitamins and other nutrients that the body needs.

However, the wine can also destroy the contents of the drug so that the effectiveness of the drug to be absorbed by the body is disrupted.


Despite having a pungent aroma, this fruit is a favorite of many people.

Durian contains many vitamins such as vitamin C and calcium, as well as zinc which has a good effect on the health of the eyes and skin tissues.

The folic acid content in this pungent fruit will increase the production of oxygen-rich red blood cells.

However, this fruit should be avoided when it is sick because of the content of substances such as methanol, ethanol, sulfur and even alcohol in the harmful durian.

In addition, for people who suffer from heartburn and diabetes should avoid these fruits for a while.

In addition to fruits, moms should also avoid drinking milk directly after taking the drug because it can interfere with the absorption of certain antibiotics and iron supplements.

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