Dinkes-UNICEF to organize mass vaccination in Aceh


* Minimize measles and rubella

BANDA ACEH – Aceh Health Office in cooperation with the United Nations Emergency Fund for Children (UNICEF) and the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) Aceh will lead a vaccination simultaneous mbad at Aceh, in August and September. Even the simultaneous vaccinations that became the national program took place all over Indonesia.

Dr. Abdul Fatah, Head of Dinkes Aceh's Department of Disease Control and Control (DSP), visited the daily office of Serambi Indonesia, Meunasah Manyang Village, Ingin Jaya Sub-district, Aceh Besar, on Tuesday morning. / 6).

"In addition to Silahturrahmi, we are waiting for Serambi Indonesia Daily's support for the campaign and socialization of mbad vaccination across Aceh," said Abdul Fatah at a meeting hailed by Indonesia's Serangan Secretary, Bukhari. M Ali.

Accompanied by Andi Yoga Tama, Head of UNICEF Representative in Aceh, Dinkes Aceh's P2P Chief explained that the same hopes of support have also been submitted to MPU Aceh.

Immunization targets for children aged 9 months and 15 years and under, so that the still very high transmission chain of measles virus in Indonesia, especially Aceh, can be minimized and prevent children born with disabilities that cataracts, deafness. In addition, conbad heart disease, mental retardation and maternal malnutrition contracted the rubella virus during pregnancy.

"We hope that all children of Aceh are free of measles and rubella.Therefore, we need the coordination and support of the media and priests of Aceh, regarding the benefits of vaccination for children, "said Abdul Fatah.

This simultaneous vaccination is planned to be implemented at least 95 percent with the realization of the number of children aged 9 months and 15 years down from 1.6 million or a third of the Aceh population . Dita Ramadonna, Head of Immunization and Surveillance of Dinkes Aceh, Cut Efri Maizar SKM, and PKBI Aceh Program staff, Arman Fauzi, attended the visit.(MIR)

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