Air pollution can cause a variety of diseases ranging from the most important respiratory diseases, cardiovascular, to other diseases that attack certain organs.
Lung specialist Agus Dwi Susanto explains that air pollution is continually inhaled at any time and can cause organ damage.
"Indoor or outdoor air pollution is directly related to the lungs, pollution particles can attack other organs of the body through the bloodstream" , said Agus when describing the relationship between ambient air pollution and health in the seminar Collaboration Collaboration: Towards Clean Air 2030, Jakarta
it causes subclinical or subclinical changes damage without symptoms and does not require medication. These subclinical changes result in reduced pulmonary response and cellular damage. This damage occurs to all those who breathe in the intense air pollution.
"This is often not done because there are no symptoms, but in fact the air pollution was harmful, but not in 10 or 20 years, "said Agus, president of the Indonesian Association of Pulmonary Physicians. in addition, cellular damage is more extensive and can attack the upper respiratory tract to the lower respiratory tract. The damage begins to show symptoms and require treatment. In case of serious damage, air pollution can cause premature death.
Agus mentions several diseases arising from air pollution such as respiratory infections, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer.
In addition to respiratory diseases, air pollution can also cause cardiovascular disease or related to
Cardiologist Ario Soeryo Kuncoro explains that it is because the pollutant particles that pbaded through the lungs enter the blood and attack the vessels towards the heart.
"There is an inflammation leading to vascular dysfunction that does not work with good and a heart attack Research shows that air pollution contributes to coronary heart disease, heart failure, nerves, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc., "added Ario
may also attack other organs such as the intestines, kidneys, brain.
In pregnant women , air pollution can also lead to weight loss, impaired fetal growth, premature birth, and impaired mental and physical development. (chs)
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