Diskes prohibit unhealthy unmarried children MR


Pekanbaru (Riau) – The Riau Provincial Health Bureau prohibits sick children such as flu, cough and diarrhea vaccinated against measles and rubella, as this will be contraindicated.

"Mimi Yuliani Nazir, Chief Medical Officer of Riau Province, said on Monday in Pekanbaru

Mimi explained that her party had socialized this information to officers and disseminated information to schools and other services

Teachers are also encouraged to pbad on to children, "said Mimi.

The goal is to avoid things that are not desirable during the MR Phase II immunization program in August and next September is performed as a Post Vaccination Monitoring Event (KIPI).

According to Mimi other than by his teacher j He is socialized with Dinsos, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, religious leaders and customs in the hope that it was submitted to all parties before the setting implemented.

Diske is already providing training to health workers who will be responsible for vaccinating MR later.

"Influenza children, coughs, colds, diarrhea have postponed the vaccination of MRnya, the training of medical staff has been done," he said. the doctor can apply for a certificate and attach it to the agent during the second phase of the vaccination process conducted at the school.

"The inner child but chemotherapy, the period after the blood transfusion, should not be.Mimi admitted that the MR vaccine is very safe because it was dijinakknan.But it takes still be vigilant because Diskes treats children who had about 32 million children for Indonesia


Darto (40) Residents of Kampar have a 12-year-old child claiming to know that there will be immunization by RM

According to him, his son will be vaccinated even if he fears that there is a fever, but for the government program, he will advise his son on the "Once, when my primary school was injected and the next day, it healed."

Please note that the MR vaccine is a combination of measles or measles (M) and rubella (R). [19659002] The MR vaccine is administered to prevent the onset of measles and rubella viral diseases (German measles). As is known, measles and rubella are infectious infectious diseases caused by viruses.

Transmission of both diseases is usually by the respiratory tract, including direct contact with patients with coughing or sneezing.

Pregnant women are infected, which causes miscarriage, the baby is stillborn, or even serious conbad malformations in infants such as blindness and deafness.

To eliminate the disease, Indonesia organized a two-step mbad vaccination program. this year outside Java with coverage of 28 provinces. The implementation will begin on August 1st to September 2018.

Publisher: Kunto Wibisono

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