Do not be afraid to watch a horror movie, its health benefits


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Watching movies is a hobby for some people. The types of movies that appeal to everyone are also different, ranging from comedy, action, drama to horror.

Especially for horror film his devil is usually the one who has the most courage or not a coward. Because, after watching a horror movie in general, we often imagine things being watched in the movie. In fact, some people often have nightmares horror film notcamenon.

But, he happens to watch a horror film is also useful for health ? Here are the benefits of watching horror movies for health according to .
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# Burning Calories
A study conducted in 2012 by L & # 39; University of Westminster in the UK asked 10 people to watch different horror movies. The heart rate, carbon dioxide production and oxygen consumption of these people are monitored when they watch a movie.

The man who watched the most scared movie panicked and jumped several times, which burned about 184 calories. This amount equals the calories burned by walking for 40 minutes.

The cause is the release of stress stimuli, which causes the release of the hormone adrenaline. This makes the heart beat that attracts the body's energy reserves.

# Improves the Immune System
Another study published in Journal of Stress revealed that watching a horror film can also increase the immune system in the short term by improving blood circulation and white blood cells (fight the infection).

Illustration of people watching horror movies. Science Daily

Increased Mood
The vibration of negative stimuli significantly improves mood, according to a sociologist. People feel less anxious, less frustrated and happy after watching a horror movie.

# Braver
People who do not feel the sensation after seeing a scary movie above. To enjoy the benefits of a horror film, one must be afraid to watch it

# Eliminating Anxiety
Some movies horror can leave a scary experience in children. According to a study conducted at the University of Michigan in the United States, 26% of students still have childhood fears after watching a horror movie. This fear can diminish as they dare to cope with it and remove the anxiety itself by watching the horror movie.

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