Do not consume salt, it's 5 benefits of salt consumption for health: Okezone Lifestyle


PENDANT This salt is known as the kitchen spice which is synonymous with various dangerous diseases. From high blood pressure, osteoporosis, kidney failure, even stay digadang can cause cancer of the stomach. So, do not be surprised if many people who remove salt from their daily diet, although the taste of food becomes bland.

In fact, consuming salt with the right portion can really give you tremendous health benefits. Especially if the salt consumed is iodized salt. For example, adults should consume salt and water to replace bodily fluids lost through sweat and urine. Salt also helps the body meet the need for essential nutrients.

Posted on The Daily Meal, Saturday (27/7/2018), following Okezone summarizes the 5 benefits of salt consumption for health.


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Hydrating the Body

Have you ever wondered why athletes run for salty banana (banana salt)? Even energy drinks often contain sodium as a mixture. Investigating calibaration is because the electrolyte content in the salt helps the body absorb water. In other words, you will avoid dehydration.

Prevention of heart disease

Some studies indicate that low sodium intake is often described as a triggering heart disease. One study even revealed that people who limit salt intake had an increased risk of heart failure up to 160%. It is said that salt can start the blood flow to the heart.

Prevention of Type II Diabetes

It is also thought that dietary programs that limit salt intake increase insulin resistance. This is not recommended for those who want to prevent diabetes. Not only that, the consumption of salt membatai was able to affect the health conditions of patients who were diagnosed with diabetes. In one study, a decrease in salt levels could increase the likelihood of death in diabetic patients.

Rationalization of Metabolism

Cortisol is a stress hormone produced in the thyroid gland, and has the effect of slowing the metabolism in the body. Salt can help reduce corpion release, resulting in a faster, smoother metabolism. So in conclusion, a low salt diet can actually destroy your metabolism. So wise in the choice of diet and diet.

Combating Allergies

Not many know that salt is one of the kitchen spices that contain natural antihistamines. If you have severe allergies, salt can help reduce the symptoms.


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