Do not think about cancer, here are 4 reasons why your chest feels painful


TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID – For a woman, the bad is an important badet that must always be kept healthy.

The reason is that the bad is very vulnerable to dangerous diseases, including bad cancer.

with a symptom such as bad pain.

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As a result, many people are afraid when bad pain appears

. Breast cancer is not just caused by bad cancer. There are several other factors that explain why bads can feel pain. For further details, please note the following:

1. Pregnancy

pregnant (Arah.Com)

The pain that is often felt in the bad may be due to the pregnancy.

Indeed, pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, brings many changes to hormones.

These hormonal changes are what makes you experience mood swings, fatigue, nausea, and also pain in the bad.

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