Do not underestimate, 5 signs of leukemia symptoms, it should be handled seriously: Okezone Lifestyle


LEUKEMIA a type of cancer that children often experience. But the symptoms are hard to recognize because it can be considered normal, but the frequency of emergence continues.

Most of the new blood cells that our bodies produce come from the bone marrow. Then there is also a large amount of fat at the end of the bone, so it looks round and wide.

But for people with leukemia, one of these new blood cells mutates and becomes cancerous. Then start spreading to other parts of the body.

Parents should carefully recognize the symptoms of leukemia that are often experienced by children. Prof. Dr. Djajadiman Gatot SpA (K) will explain through the following comments summarized Okezone, Wednesday (18/07/2018).


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1. The skin looks pale

When leukemia develops, new blood cells can be damaged by cancer cells. The function of the bone marrow can be supported. Well, the blood flow has been significantly reduced, making the skin look lighter. This symptom does not occur once or twice, although the child is silent or moving, his skin is pale and his face does not look fresh.

2. Children often complain of fatigue

"It is pale skin, besides it is often tired despite its usual activities.This phenomenon is common, but must be aware," said Professor Djajadiman, when contacted Okezone on Wednesday (18/07 / 2018).

Infantile leukemia tends to often weaken the body and lack of energy. All the while he will experience excessive fatigue and his body looks soft.

3. May be an infection or fever

Red blood cells are an essential component of your immune system. If not healthy, like in people with leukemia so often sick.

"The infection or fever is one of the most common symptoms we see, but if a child has leukemia, he will come often," he added.


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4. Shortness of breath

In addition to the problem of lack of energy, shortness of breath can be felt by children with leukemia. Especially during their physical activity. There are visible changes on his body that are easily recognizable.

5. His skin is still bruised

If you suffer from wounds and scratches on the skin, it is difficult to heal. The skin is so often bruised with ease. The symptoms are most clearly experienced by patients with leukemia, due to the displacement of red blood cells that are not equitable. This disease is known as petechiae.


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