Do you want a career in public companies? PT Bio Farma D3 and S1 Employees All Programs


BANGKAPOS.COM – Good news for you who are looking for information on vacancies

One of the state-owned enterprises (BUMN) is looking for employees, namely Bio Farma .

Bio Farma is a State-owned Enterprises Agency in Bandung, Indonesia

The Company Produces Vaccines and Serums to Support Immunization Programs in Indonesia and Other Countries [19659002] Bio Farma is on the World Health Organization Prequalification List [19659002] Adapaun's vaccine produced by Bio Farma includes viral vaccines (measles vaccine, oral polio vaccine and vaccine against malaria) Hepatitis B) and bacterial vaccines (DTP vaccine, TT vaccine, DT vaccine and BCG vaccine).

From 1997 until now, Bio Farma provides vaccines to many countries through UNICEF, PAHO and other buyers [19659002] The production capacity is about 1.1 billion doses.

Currently, PT Bio Farma (Persero) opens job offers. what are the graduates of level D3 and S1.

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