Do you want healthy finances after your wedding? Expert advice


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Financial health is one of the keys to a happy marriage. Financial planner Irshad Wicaksono Ma 'ruf said, the first priority is to manage cash flow revenues and expenses. In this case, the new couple should be able to share the task. "Suppose the husband plays a role for the monthly routine expenses, and the investment while his wife served as an" executor "to share the investment for the purpose of education of children, business capital, old age, In addition, for a healthy financial situation, according to the science of financial planning, the maximum percentage of debt is only 30 percent of income.At the beginning of the marriage must have the ideals and expectations of the future together, and generally there is a link with debt Debt can be a solution but must also be careful, keeping the family balance in a healthy position.Thus, married couples should regularly draw up a list of debtors. obligations and repay their debts, especially those intended for consumption such as credit cards, road, honeymoon, etc.

"If you and your spouse take the habit of keeping the debt up to 30% of income, so save In the beginning, receive a minimum income of 10% of income, you and your healthy family are born internally and of course financially too. "

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In addition, you never know how to come for disasters such as illness or other emergencies. completed monthly, allocate emergency funds to your financial planning.The amount of emergency funds that must be prepared if you have no children 6 times of income, if you have already children 12 times of monthly income.

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