Drink chocolate milk after the sport, healthier than the energy drink – VIVA


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VIVA – It is very important to eat and drink nourishing and nutritious foods in the gym . One of them while consuming milk. But, you know, compared to consuming energy drinks or expensive supplements, it turns out that milk chocolate has a higher protein content.

As reported from Metro.co.uk Monday, July 2, 2018, according to a study was published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition chocolate milk has the perfect content in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water and electrolytes needed to replenish glycogen levels.

The study was conducted by observing 12 more studies and seeing how chocolate milk affects the body's recovery process after exercise compared to energy drinks. The milk has a performance equal to or greater than that of a placebo or another energy drink.

Milk contains two types of high quality protein, whey and casein that can be absorbed Glbad contains about 30 to 35 grams of carbohydrate compared to regular milk containing only 12 grams. carbohydrates. In addition to containing essential macronutrients, chocolate milk also contains magnesium which is essential for muscle recovery, followed by calcium, vitamin B6 and iron.

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