Drinking coffee makes you less opportunity at the hospital for liver problems


SRIPOKU.COM – Coffee has a positive effect on the body. Since 2017, at least 201 studies have shown that coffee generally has health benefits rather than damage.

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One of them, namely to keep the heart healthy.

American Society for Nutrition in Boston shows that coffee lovers may have a lower risk of liver disease than those who do not drink a cup of coffee.

A research team led by Emily Hu, Ph.D. student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, badyzed data on 14,208 people aged 45 to 64 who participated in the research study. # 39; atherosclerosis.

In this study, they examined the presence of atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque accumulates in the arteries in people in the United States.

During a 26-year period, these people completed questionnaires about the foods they consumed, including coffee.

During the filling out of the questionnaire, Hu and his team focused on their habit of drinking coffee and comparing it with their hospital records related to heart and death.

From there, Hu and his team found that people who drank three or more cups a day had a 21% lower probability of being hospitalized for heart disease.

"It's a very good experience to present this research and it's quite surprising how much there is interest in this study," Hu said, quoted by Healthline.

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