Drinking coffee without sugar seems very good for the body, preventing the risks of aging


TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID – Coffee is not new in Indonesia, almost all young people and even parents love coffee.

Moreover, we know that Indonesia has good quality coffee

that can not be ignored even by drinking coffee in one of the fun activities and can be done with friends .

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Generally people will drink coffee with sugar, it is normal and reasonable given the bitter taste of coffee.

It appears from infosehat.co.id, that in addition to drinking coffee with sugar, it is rare to drink pure coffee without sugar.

But coffee without sugar brings a benefit to the body, even if the taste of coffee tastes bitter

Benefits of coffee without sugar for health

Coffee contains caffeine and the caffeine can cure various complaints originally used according to the correct dose.

Caffeine accelerates brain performance. 19659002] Deciding to drink coffee without sugar is the right decision because the antioxidant content of coffee and other nutrients such as vitamin E, potbadium, chromium and niacin are good for the body.

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