Early detection of stroke symptoms with SE GE RA


JAKARTA – Dozens of residents from several regions attended the socialization of stroke. They are taught ways to understand ways to prevent strokes that are considered curable.

The event organized by Premier Jatinegara Hospital, at TMII, in Jakarta, has attracted enough attention from residents. The reason is that those who come in look very worried when the doctor gives them an understanding. The reason is that to treat the disease, the patient, the family, the doctor must show enthusiasm until the nurse takes care of it.

Ira Arianty (64), a resident who attended the event, admitted that she was very fortunate for the information she had received. Because this woman has been struck twice by a stroke and now needs a lot of support.

"In August 2017, I had a stroke.In the middle of this year, I was still touched.Thus, this activity is a good contribution for me," he said on Sunday. (4/10/2018).

According to Ira, of the two brain attacks he had, he was lucky enough to be as healthy as today. In addition to being treated with first aid and medication, the miracle of Allah SWT has also allowed him to stay healthy. "Because we are still in the healing stage, this contribution is very significant to me," he said.

For Dr. Sukono Djojoatmodjo SpS, head of the stroke unit of the Prime Minister of Jatinegara Hospital, the event was organized so that the community knew what to do to deal with the problems of Brain attacks.

"Because what we communicate is what we need to tackle together, starting with prevention, treatment during an attack and after a stroke," he said.

It was said that Dr. Sukono, the first hospital in Jatinegara, always paid special attention to patients after treatment and rehabilitation. By coming together, it is about uniting the spirit of the patients and their families, as well as the nurses who are taking care of them. "The mind to be stressed on is that stroke can be cured well," he said.

Finally, Dr. Sukono said that families need to be aware of and know the signs of a stroke. With the term IMMEDIATE, the signs, SE, his smile began to change, his face became sticky. GE, the movements have a weakness in the limbs, usually half of the body, like a hand or knee. "Finally, PR, talk, suddenly, people can no longer communicate, this is the sign of a possible stroke," he concluded. (Ifand / tri)

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