Easy to get, it's 7 simple foods to start a Keto diet


Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Every woman would like to have a slim body to look perfect. Of course, many ways to do other than sport, namely through the diet. Now, the food choices are diverse, one of which is the ketogenic diet or a ketogenic diet that is widely selected and a trend.

Citing Page Health.com The ketogenic diet regulates daily calorie intake from 75% to 90% fat percentage, from 6 to 20% protein and from 2 to 5% carbohydrates.

You can replace foods with more protein, healthy fats and other nutrients so you do not trigger hyperglycemia. If you intend to go to the keto diet, it's all the food that must always be at home.


Eggs are a healthy source of protein and animal fats that are not only rich in nutrients, but also very useful for any diet program. To replace the bad food, eggs are one of the necessary foods every day. The best way to consume them is to boil.

2. Avocado

Avocado low in sugar and rich in healthy fats, fiber and potbadium, which helps maintain blood sugar levels. During a keto diet, the avocado is best served as a breakfast menu or snack during the day without any additions.

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