But according to the research, eating nuts can actually significantly increase sperm count in young men.
"These results support the important role that peanut consumption can improve sperm quality," said the cited researcher of AFP . It's just that the research reveals that this study is supported by male respondents who are all healthy and "seen" fertile.
Conversely, the potential benefits of nuts for men who have problems or struggle with their fertility should still be sought.
Researchers studied 119 men with a slice of age of 18-35 years old. They are divided into two large groups. A group must eat 60 grams of almonds, hazelnuts and nuts each day. While group two did not receive beans.
After 14 weeks, the first group to eat nuts was found to have a significant increase in sperm count, vitality, sperm motility and morphology (sperm form). All this is related to male fertility.
"In addition, subjects in the bean group also showed a significant decrease in the rate of DNA fragmentation (DNA excretion) of their spermatozoa. 39, a parameter closely related to male infertility sperm are observed in men with a diet rich in omega-3, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc and folic acid.
Based on research, walnuts also contain many of these nutrients.
But there are questions that arise in response to the study presented at the meeting of the European Society of Reproduction and embryology in Barcelona, where men should add nuts to their diet.
"We can not say that yet," says study co-author Albert Salas- Huetos.
"But the evidence of the literature according to which s healthy lifestyle changes like following a healthy diet can help with conception, and of course, beans are a key part of a healthy Mediterranean diet. "
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