Eating Orange is good for the eyes health, that's the reason

[ad_1], Canberra – There is good news for you citrus lovers. Researchers say that those who regularly eat grapefruit can reduce the likelihood of an eye disease called macular degeneration .

Macular degeneration is the name of a group of diseases related to the retina that cause a rapidly diminished vision. 19659003] According to the Macular Disease Foundation, it is the leading cause of blindness in Australia and affects one in seven people over the age of 50, according to ABC Indonesia 19659006. [19659003] Research conducted by the Westmead Medical Research Institute has badyzed the dietary habits of 2,000 Australian adults over 50 years of age in the last 15 years

Researchers examined the diet in relation to risk of vision-related diseases. Of all the research on the diet, grapefruit consumption has had a big effect.

Not because of vitamin C

The principal investigator of this project, Bamini Gopinath, works at the University of Sydney. one or two servings of oranges a day are 60% less likely to have a "degeneration of the mucous membranes"

Gopinath says that the cause is not because oranges contain vitamin C, but the possible cause is because oranges contain flavonoids.

"In our badysis, we exclude vitamin C factor, and this relationship persists." "So we know that it has nothing to do with vitamin C in oranges, so we badume it may be due to flavonoids or something else."

"Because this study is only based on observations, it is still difficult to determine is actually a contributing factor."

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