Excessive type of fat consumption, not good for health


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – The amount of fat in the food we eat is very important for health. Fat can be an energy and an essential fatty acid that our body can not make.

Helen Bond, a dietetic consultant for the Harley Medical Group, says the right amount of fat must be used at the recommended daily dose. The National Health Service of the United Kingdom recommends that women do not eat more than 70 grams of fat per day and an average man up to 95 grams.

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If consuming Excessive amounts of fat from the recommended amount can be bad for your health. "Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which can increase the risk of coronary heart disease," says Bond, quoted by Cosmpolitan UK

Although cholesterol is healthy, it is very important to reduce saturated fats to allow your body, mind and heart to function properly. "Saturated fats are generally solid at room temperature and are found in fat cuts of meat and sausage, whole milk and cream, palm oil and baked goods such as cakes, pastries and cookies," James Bond adds

. found in alternative products such as coconut oil. "Although coconut oil is in love, there is not enough research to prove its well-known benefits," says Helen Bond. Chinese coconut oil is the only way to go about it. one of the few vegetable oils that are full of fat.One tablespoon (15gram) of coconut oil In addition, the fat carries aromas, makes the food more tasty and adds to satiety. Thus, dieting with saturated fats can work long term because it is more fun than the low fat diet, but with a balanced and accurate note.

"Some fats are good, not much better, and freely spread oil over Jamie Oliver food, or add butter like James Martin in the kitchen that we can. fat, saturated fat, and unnecessary calories, that's very bad for the ping gang ring and the health of your heart, "said Bond.

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19659002] All types of fat, either good saturated or unsaturated fats and trans fats have the same number of calories. Fat is the most energy-hungry nutrient, which produces 9 calories per gram, compared to 4 kcal of one gram for protein and carbohydrates.If you consume too many calories – regardless of any macronutrient, weight will increase.

For example, lawyers are high in unsaturated fats and healthy vitamin E antioxidants, but still contain calories. Each fruit consumed contains about 267 kcal and 27.6 grams of fat, the figure includes 39% of the recommended daily amount. Same with beans. It is recommended to consume beans up to 30 grams or a handful. While Greek yogurt contains calcium and bone proteins, each 150 grams contains 144 kcal, 7.5 grams of fat and 5.4 grams of saturated fat. Oily fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, pilchards, trout and fresh tuna are the most important sources of omega-3 fatty acids that the brain and heart need. Although it is advisable to eat two servings of fish a week, at least one should be fat), it should be noted that girls and women of childbearing age should not eat more than two servings of oily fish per week. One serving of cooked fish is 140 grams

"It's because oily fish may contain pollutants, including more mercury than other fish species, and this could endanger the baby's nervous system, "says Bond

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