Experts: sleeping with a fan is not so bad

[ad_1] – Sleep is a process of rest required by living beings. During sleep, the body will repair the cells that need to be repaired. Usually during sleep is necessary conditions and a comfortable situation. One of them is the temperature of the room. If the heat, then we will turn on the fan or air conditioner to be stronger during sleep. So, if it's harmful to health?

Experts say, sleeping with a fan is not so bad. "There is no problem sleeping with the ventilator," said the pulmonologist, a medical specialty related to a respiratory-related disease, Len Horovitz, Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, United States.

Horovitz, quoted by Live Science, Monday (30/7/2018).

However, the movement of the fan you must take into account. The fan can cause rapid air movement. The impacts that occur can evaporate the moisture from the mouth and nasal pbadages. That is, the air coming out of the fan can dry the mouth and nose.

Look at the following interesting video:

Dust Spread

The fan may also spread dust may interfere with its comfort, especially if the person is allergic. "If you sleep with the fan, keep the fan away from the bed, the important thing is not to direct the fan directly onto your body," says Horovitz

. The trick is to keep the spread of dust and other allergens to you.

The stiff neck

There is also something else to note. Sleep with a fan flames the air inside the room to cool.

It can cause muscle contraction. Exposure to cold air at night causes stiff neck in the morning.

If you sleep with air conditioning at night, suggests Horovitz, the air conditioning does not blow you directly on it. The air conditioner temperature setting should not be less than 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius).

However, not only sleeping with a fan is not very good for the body. Sleeping with ambient light conditions also has adverse effects, ranging from the risk of depression, lack of concentration, overcrowding to terrible effects such as cancer risk.

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