Facts You Need to Know About Skin Cancer


INDOPOS.CO.ID – A case of skin cancer occurs when it is the son-in-law of Hatta Rajasa, Adara Taista. Having survived for a while, Adara breathed her last breath on May 19, 2018, and then at the age of 27

Skin cancer occurs primarily when there is abnormal cell growth in the skin. Generally, this disease occurs in areas that are often exposed to sunlight.

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"There are three types of skin cancer that usually occur, namely melanoma, the basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma), and squamous cell carcinoma), "said Dr. Kartika Mayasari of KlikDokter

Knowing the Cause of Skin Cancer

According to the prevention, cancer of skin is the most common type of cancer in the US It is known that the disease can affect all ages, especially in people over 50 years of age, with light skin color and a family history of

In addition, spending a lot of time in the sun can also cause skin cancer.This happens because the ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the DNA in the cells of the skin. and cause mutations. the uncontrolled growth of the cells is caused to form a tumor.

Not only that, the risk of skin cancer may also be higher if you have the following conditions:

1. Has red hair
2. Has many moles on the body
3. Living in a high place
4. Frequent exposure to radiation

Early detection of skin cancer

Self-examination is the best way to recognize the first signs of skin cancer. You do it just once a month in front of a large mirror that can reveal a whole body.

Also, use a small mirror to see the inaccessible areas of the body, such as the groin.

"Check all parts of the body, including the palms, feet, scalp, ears, nails and back, for spots, spots or bumps that are not visible. have never existed before, "said Dr. Dyan Mega Inderawati of KlikDokter

In addition, Dr. Mega explains that not all spots, spots, or nodules are emerging symptoms of skin cancer. suspected skin cancer generally have the following properties:

1. Clumps grow, may be whitish, flesh-colored, brown, black or reddish
2. Color change from previous
3 The thickest over time
4. Has an unequal boundary
5. More than 6 millimeters
6. Appears after 21 years
7. Easily injured and hard to heal
8 Easy to bleed
9. Feeling itchy and painful

Basically, skin cancer is the most easily recognized type of disease in its infancy. This is because the complaints that occur because of skin cancer appear from the outside. Therefore, if you have one or more symptoms that relate to skin cancer, you should not have trouble doing a medical checkup at the doctor. In this way, the risks and adverse effects that may occur in the future can be avoided


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