Fatigue Often signs of vitamin D deficiency, other controls


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A balanced diet containing vitamins, essential fats, energy, proteins and minerals can maintain a healthy body. The absence of a single nutrient has a negative impact on the quality of life, including vitamin D, essential to building your body.

Also read: Vitamin D is not just for bones, see the other benefits

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium to promote bone growth. Vitamin D deficiency can affect your overall health. Although vitamin D deficiency is not important. However, there are signs of symptoms in people who lack vitamins D, as reported by Boxrox, the following.

1. Often sick
The immune system protects you from bacteria and viruses that cause disease. Vitamin D interacts with cells that strengthen the immune system. When the body is deficient in vitamin D, it affects immunity and makes you more vulnerable to diseases such as colds and the flu, fever, allergies, asthma and eczema. These are just some of the more than 80 diseases caused by immune function problems.

2. often tired
Fatigue greatly affects all aspects of life. Some research
shows the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and fatigue in women. Vitamin D increases energy levels and keeps you active for a long time. Therefore, if you experience fatigue at noon, you may be suffering from vitamin D deficiency.

3. Poor bone health
Another sign of low vitamin D levels in the blood is poor bone health. The right amount of vitamin D in your diet builds your body and maintains bone health. Deficiencies of calcium and vitamins can aggravate bone damage and cause back pain. Bone health is fat, which increases the risk of fractures and other injuries. Therefore, you need a number vitamins D is enough to build healthy bones and muscles.

4. Hair loss
Generally, the damage and hair loss are caused by stress. But apparently, vitamin D deficiency can lead to severe hair loss. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease characterized by severe hair loss. Research shows that people with alopecia or women who experience hair loss have low levels of vitamin D, badociated with significant hair loss.

5. Old healing
Our bodies have mechanisms of self-healing that help restore and
optimize health. But if you observe that healing is slow, it indicates a lack of vitamin D. vitamins this plays an important role in the fight against infection, control of inflammation and proper healing. Inadequate levels of vitamin D can cause healing problems or even endanger the healing process later.

6. severe muscle pain
It is not easy to determine the causes of muscle pain, but some studies show that it is a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle weakness and chronic muscle pain in adults and children. The experts do not have sufficient evidence, but they recommend that vitamin D be kept on a regular basis because of the link between chronic muscle pain and low levels of vitamin D in the blood.

These symptoms are a cautious symptom to determine if Adan has vitamin D deficiency or not. These signs are not proven at first and are often difficult to recognize. Start by adding vitamin D-rich foods to your meal and expose them to the sun often to increase the level. vitamins D.

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