Fatty foods recommended in this diet


INDOPOS.CO.ID – The ketogenic diet or the familiar "Keto diet" is currently invaded. Keto diets focus on low-carbohydrate methods and consume foods high in fat and moderate protein. Although many hypertensive people worry about this method, it turns out that the keto diet can be beneficial to those with high blood pressure.

Not because of the feeding method, but because of the resulting weight loss. So, the keto diet is suitable for people with hypertension.

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Specialist heart and weight, Luiza Petre said, one of the triggers of the 39, hypertension is due to overweight or obesity. Obesity also triggers other diseases such as diabetes.

"The point is that the ketogenic diet will increase blood pressure, but not as a direct effect.It is through the benefits of indirect weight loss," said Luiza, quoted by Pop Sugar, on Sunday. (1/7).

As a case study in Poland in 2011 for example. Luiza said, at that time, found 80 percent of cases of hypertension caused by obesity. Meanwhile, someone who has managed to lose weight with a keto diet has a 50% chance of reversing his blood pressure without medication.

A study of the British Journal of Nutrition showed that people on a diet keto weight rather than low fat diet. Thus, the weight loss will be effective. While hypertension of obesity was avoided.

"If the keto diet is made aimlessly for weight loss, it may not affect blood pressure at all.Loss weight loss remains the number one intervention, followed by the lowering of salt and exercise to increase blood pressure, "says Luiza.

Still, the ketone diet may not be the best way to lose weight. Nieca Goldberg, medical director of the center Joan H. Tisch Women's Health at NYU Langone Medical Center, recommends a DASH Diet instead.

The DASH Diet is an abbreviation for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.Mediterranean-style DASH diet rich in vegetables, Fruits, cereals, lean meats and low salt In order to refine the diet for hypertension, Nieca also mentioned that processed foods should be avoided.

If you are thinking about trying ketone diets, make sure you to consult v your doctor or dietitian before making any drastic food changes. (ika / jpg)


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