Feeling bad after sex? This is the right time to connect intimate according to age


TRIBUNJATENG.COM – One can not separate the household skull from the desire to share.

Increasingly older, each partner must also feel different effects after intercourse.

However, what happens if after having bad that does not smell the good body? Maybe you know your best time to make love according to your age.

This method is known to effectively reduce post-badual injury

According to the Essence study, a study in New Zealand reveals the best time to have bad. a study, the best time to make love is at 7:30 in the morning, about 45 minutes after waking up.

At that time, our energy is high. After waking up, that is to say that both men have more stamina.

Moreover, when bad stalls endorphins, they lower a person's blood pressure and stress level and make her more pbadionate all day long. Paul Kelley, of the Institute of Sleep Neuroscience and Circadians of Oxford University, reveals that time is everything.

The biological clock of a person undergoes a change with age

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