Feud of BPJS Health and Breast Cancer Patients More and More Heating


Nopi Hidayat, head of the public relations division of BPJS Kesehatan, said the Juniarti physician will provide alternative therapy and alternative treatment Trastuzumab, not guaranteed by BPJS Health since April 1, 2018.

Juniarti is a HER2 positive bad cancer patient

In this case, the responsible physician of Juniarti was invited to discuss with the Medical Advisory Board and the Medical Advisory Board.

This doctor will later prescribe which therapy or remedy is suitable for Juniarti instead of Trastuzumab.

"So, do not get me wrong Trastuzumab is not guaranteed by BPJS Health does not mean we release all the guarantee to the patient We will guarantee the treatment or replacement of Trastuzumab," said Nopi Hidayat at Warta Kota Friday (20 /7/2018).[19659002sequationsPendantcetempsEdyHaryadimarideJuniartiquandlebungisamedi(21/7/2018)admisn'apasentendulesrecommandationsdumédecinquitraitesafemmedelathérapieconnexeouderemplacerTrastuzumabcommeditlechefdesrelationspubliquesBPJSHealthNopiHidayat

"Essentiellement to your question, doctors m & # 39; communicated alternative treatment other than Trastuzumab as offered BPJS Health, I badure myself that no, because, indeed, for patients with HER2-positive bad cancer, the choice is limited and only Trastuzumab has been tested clinically, scientifically, and empirically extend the lives of patients HER2 positive bad cancer, "said Edy Haryad

adhering to the recommendation of the Clinical Advisory Council and the Medical Advisory Board of the Department of Health

The two Advisory Councils have recommended that trastuzumab be no longer effective in patients with HER2-positive bad cancer [19659007]. list of drugs guaranteed by BPJS Health on April 1, 2018.

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